Product information
From Health Canada
Note - The product information found within this database originates from organizations not subject to the Official Languages Act and is available in the language in which it was written and submitted to Health Canada.
Note - The market status of a product is now available in the LNHPD and identifies if a product is "marketed" or "not marketed" in Canada. Product licence holders may voluntarily provide the Natural and Non-Prescription Health Products Directorate (NNHPD) with information about whether their product is currently available to Canadian consumers. Where no information has been provided, the default status is "not marketed". The "current status" field remains unaffected and will continue to indicate the status of the product licence (i.e., active, discontinued, stop sale, cancelled, or suspended). Note that where a licence has been suspended, cancelled or under stop sale, the product cannot be legally sold in Canada.
Product licence holders - if you wish to update a product's market status, you are invited to complete the Natural Health Products Market Notification Web Form. As with all other notifications, there is no current service standard. The NNHPD will process the market status update as soon as feasible, based on its available resources. As a reminder, market notification is voluntary; therefore, a licence holder is not required to wait for the LNHPD to be updated before a licensed product is sold in Canada. As such, products that are identified in the LNHPD as "not marketed" may still be sold in Canada.
- Natural Product Number (NPN):
- 80124845
- Market status:
- Not Marketed
- Licence Status:
- Active
- Brand name(s):
Cell-Fer Plus XR
Ferrous Sulfate 135 mg + Folate 400 mcg - Licence holder:
- CellChem Pharmaceuticals Inc.
- Dosage Form:
- Capsule
- Recommended route of administration:
Sub population (Sub Pop.) | Quantity (Qty) | Frequency (Freq.) | ||||||||||
Sub Pop. | Age | Min. | Max. | UoM Footnote1 Age | Qty | Min. | Max. | UoM Qty | Freq. | Min. | Max. | UoM Freq. |
Adults | 18 | Years | 1.0 | capsule | 1 | daily | ||||||
- Recommended use or purpose:
- Helps to form red blood cells Helps to form red blood cells and helps in their proper function Helps to prevent iron deficiency Helps to prevent iron deficiency anaemia Helps to prevent iron deficiency anemia and associated tiredness and fatigue Helps to prevent iron deficiency anaemia, form red blood cells and helps in their proper function Helps to prevent folate deficiency.
- Risk Information:
- Cautions and Warnings
- Keep out of reach of children. There is enough iron in this package to seriously harm a child Use only upon recommendation by a physician. Discontinue use and consult your health care practitioner if you experience abdominal pain/soreness or the presence of blood in the stool. This product may aggravate existing peptic ulcer or other inflammatory conditions of the gastrointestinal tract. If you are also taking a prenatal supplement (likely to contain significant amounts of iron), the total daily dose of iron should be considered. If you experience acute stomach pain and vomiting of blood immediately after taking this product, stop use and consult with a health care practitioner. Consult a health care practitioner prior to use if you have peptic ulcer, regional enteritis and ulcerative colitis Consult a health care practitioner prior to use if you are pregnant or breastfeeding.
- Known Adverse Reactions
- Some people may experience constipation, diarrhea, abdominal cramping, nausea, vomiting and discoloration of the stool. Stop use if hypersensitivity occurs Prolonged use of high levels of iron without evidence of iron deficiency will result in iron overload causing a darkening of the skin, joint and bone pain, sexual dysfunction and/or multiple organ damage
Medicinal ingredients | Quantity (Qty) | Extract | Potency |
Folate |
400.0 mcg
Iron |
135.0 mg
Iron |
- List of non-medicinal ingredients:
- Ethyl cellulose
- Hydroxypropyl Methylcellulose
- Polyethylene glycol
- Purified water
- Sucrose
- Date of licensing:
- 2023-06-08
- Revised date of licence:
Application information
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