Product information

From Health Canada

Note - The product information found within this database originates from organizations not subject to the Official Languages Act and is available in the language in which it was written and submitted to Health Canada.

Note - The market status of a product is now available in the LNHPD and identifies if a product is "marketed" or "not marketed" in Canada. Product licence holders may voluntarily provide the Natural and Non-Prescription Health Products Directorate (NNHPD) with information about whether their product is currently available to Canadian consumers. Where no information has been provided, the default status is "not marketed". The "current status" field remains unaffected and will continue to indicate the status of the product licence (i.e., active, discontinued, stop sale, cancelled, or suspended). Note that where a licence has been suspended, cancelled or under stop sale, the product cannot be legally sold in Canada.

Product licence holders - if you wish to update a product's market status, you are invited to complete the Natural Health Products Market Notification Web Form. As with all other notifications, there is no current service standard. The NNHPD will process the market status update as soon as feasible, based on its available resources. As a reminder, market notification is voluntary; therefore, a licence holder is not required to wait for the LNHPD to be updated before a licensed product is sold in Canada. As such, products that are identified in the LNHPD as "not marketed" may still be sold in Canada.

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Natural Product Number (NPN):
Market status:
Not Marketed
Licence Status:
Brand name(s):
Licence holder:
Dosage Form:
Recommended route of administration:


Recommended dose:
Sub population (Sub Pop.) Quantity (Qty) Frequency (Freq.)
Sub Pop. Age Min. Max. UoM Footnote1 Age Qty Min. Max. UoM Qty Freq. Min. Max. UoM Freq.
Adults 1.0 Table spoon 4 daily
Recommended use or purpose:
Utilisé en phytothérapie pour aider à soulager les symptômes d'allergies saisonnières. Traditionnellement utilisé en phytothérapie comme expectorant pour aider à soulager l'excès de mucus des voies respiratoires supérieures (anticatarrhal) et pour aider à soulager les symptômes de la bronchite des voies respiratoires supérieures (anti-catarrhe).
Risk Information:
Cautions and Warnings 
Ne pas utiliser si vous êtes enceinte ou si vous allaitez. Consultez un praticien de la santé si les symptômes persistent ou s'aggravent. Cesser l'usage et consulter un praticien de soins de santé immédiatement en cas d'étourdissements, de confusion mentale, de faiblesse ou de douleur musculaire, de rythme cardiaque irrégulier et/ou de difficulté à respirer. Ne pas utiliser si vous souffrez de maladies du cœur, des reins ou du foie, d'hypertension ou d'hypotension artérielle, de diabètes ou d'œdème (enflure des mains, du visage ou des pieds) ou si vous prenez des produits contenant des diurétiques. Une hypersensibilité ou une allergie peut se manifester. Si tel est le cas, cesser l'utilisation.
List of medicinal ingredients:
Medicinal ingredients Quantity (Qty) Extract Potency
Althaea officinalis 0.734 mL
1 : 7.340
DHE: 100 mg
Eucalyptus globulus 0.734 mL
1 : 3.670
DHE: 200 mg
Panax quinquefolius 0.734 mL
1 : 195.733
DHE: 3.75 mg
Plantago lanceolata 0.734 mL
1 : 9.787
DHE: 75 mg
Rosmarinus officinalis 0.734 mL
1 : 293.600
DHE: 2.5 mg
Salvia officinalis 0.734 mL
1 : 58.720
DHE: 12.5 mg
Sambucus canadensis 0.734 mL
1 : 3.904
DHE: 188 mg
Thymus vulgaris 0.734 mL
1 : 7.340
DHE: 100 mg
Trigonella foenum-graecum 0.734 mL
1 : 4.893
DHE: 150 mg
Urtica dioica 0.734 mL
1 : 2.447
DHE: 300 mg
Verbascum thapsus 0.734 mL
1 : 7.340
DHE: 100 mg
List of non-medicinal ingredients:
  • Aniseed Dry
  • Aqua
  • Cinnamon
  • Clove Bud Oil
  • Honey
  • Juniper berries
  • Sambucus canadensis (elderberry) fruit extract
  • Spearmint leaf dry
  • Vitamin C
Date of licensing:
Revised date of licence:

Application information

Related information

Compendium of monographs

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For technical support or if you have general questions concerning the content of this database, please contact the Natural Health Products Directorate (NHPD).

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